How can AG Performance help you?

Skill and Performance Development

AG performance uses psychological techniques and may pair physical training techniques for sport and skill specific training. In sports you must perceive many stimuli and react quickly with precision. Whether you want to develop a skill, perform at a higher level, or enhance your instincts, this type of mental training will help get you there.

Achieving Goals

Do you want to reach the next level? Are you transitioning to high school, to college or the professional level? Are you just beginning a sport or beginning your fitness journey? These are just a few of the goals that mental coaching can help you achieve. Whether your specific situation includes skill enhancement, motivation, lifestyle changes or navigating the pressure, AG performance will help with your goal.

Mindset Development

How your body reacts and performs reflects your mental state. Lack of confidence, nerves or anxiety affects even the most elite athletes and can leave anyone in a cycle of self-doubt or depression. Learn how to build your confidence, tackle your anxiety, and perform your best under any type of pressure. Confidence is the key to success.

Outside of the Gym

Your mind does not shut off just because you have left the gym or field. Thoughts and pressures tied to your sport or goal can follow you throughout your day up until the moment you fall asleep. This could include dealing with family, coach or teammate difficulties, the pressures of social media, media and public opinion, or decisions about your future. At all ages you’re faced with decisions that will impact your entire career. AG performance will help you gain the support and insights needed as well as self-knowledge and honesty to navigate off court situations.

General Support and Your Unique Situation

Every person has a unique story and a different path to success. No path is straightforward. You will have highs and lows, great moments and devastating situations. Adversity should not be handled in the confines of your own mind. Talk to AG performance to see how you can develop and grow through your unique journey!

Injuries and Rehabilitation

Injuries are every athlete’s worst nightmare and can be more mentally than physically painful. AG performance will help you navigate the path back to health. This may include retraining muscles and the subconscious mind to perform with the speed and accuracy necessary. For others this will involve developing a positive healthy mindset through the difficulties of being injured.

Team Development

Within competition, you’re facing a wide range of personalities in a high intensity atmosphere where hierarchy and ego continuously affect the dynamic. Factors like communication, team dynamics and group psychology are critical for the success of the team. This may apply to an individual sport and the coaches involved or a team sport. In any case, psychology helps teams or groups with these factors to become more cohesive and perform better. This may include implementing and applying tactics, effective communication on and off the court, and handling an array of adversities that may arise.

Coach and Trainer Development

The way coaches or trainers interact, teach and communicate with their athletes is essential. Skill acquisition and success is the ultimate goal, yet in many cases there can be a disconnect between the coach and athletes. Understanding one another’s psychology and how to implement certain practices for different people is imperative. There is no “one size fits all” in coaching or psychology. Each athlete reacts and learns differently. Understanding your own psychology as a coach, and the psychology of the people you train is critical. Every person has psychological blindspots and biases that AG performance will help you overcome to get the most out of your athletes and your abilities as a coach.