What is AG Performance?

AG performance uses mental training techniques to prepare and guide athletes or those beginning fitness through their careers to enhance performance. Mental training is beneficial for all ages and levels, and is also available for coaches, trainers and teams as a whole. Creating success stems from consistent mental preparation. This type of mental training is tailored to each individual or team and their specific needs. Enhancing the mind-body connection leads to peak performance and mental health.

It is important to establish mental skills to prepare athletes for the multitude of high pressure situations they will encounter on and off the court. Oftentimes your edge over the competition comes down to your own psychology. Whether you are a youth athlete with big dreams, an athlete performing at the most elite level, or a coach trying to get the most out of your athletes, mental performance training often unlocks tremendous potential.

Why it’s important:

The sport and exercise industry is one of the most proactive businesses. Every team, trainer, coach, and athlete is trying to employ the latest and most effective training tactics to get ahead of the competition. In most cases this includes physical, tactical or educational work. However, psychology is tied to every aspect of the game, yet the focus and preparation for the mind is minuscule in comparison. Athletes of all ages are under intense pressure to perform at the highest level. As a result, there is an overwhelming amount of mental health issues, ranging from clinical disorders to burn out, anxiety, confidence issues or simply not reaching peak performance.

How it’s different:

Mental states (e.g.beliefs and attitudes) have as much of an effect on performance as physical states, and many athletes are not given the psychological skills or support needed to flourish. The majority of current sports psychology is a reactive practice, meaning a problem occurs first and the help comes second. AG performance not only works on existing problems, but utilizes proactive mental coaching techniques to develop psychological skills and offer the support needed to reach peak performance. AG performance also incorporates physical work with mental preparation to enhance skill level, and allow people to perform at their best in emotionally and physically intense situations. This also includes how to navigate off-court difficulties that inevitably come with the sport industry. Mental skills and preparation are the key to getting ahead of the competition and reaching full potential. 

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